45° Digital Vision

Our vision

45° Digital Vision

Before a digital transformation takes place, there can be chaos. Technology, business, organisation, sales models, go to market, production, operations, people …

There's a lot of balls to keep in the air.
45 Degrees helps you narrow down that playfield. We offer a clear view on opportunities without ever losing sight of the big picture.

We guide you through your transformation journey and help you make the required choices on both the business as the technology side to make sure your digital transformation becomes infinite business.

The framework to achieve this goal consists of 3 phases: Exploration, Foundation and Transition. These phases are not linear. They can and must work side by side and interchangeably. Technology evolution never stops.

First step

The 45° Exploration

An approach of exploration and/or experimentation is required to get the ball rolling. This happens on a business and technology track.

The Business Track

Through online surveys and workshops, we involve a broad user base and capture feedback on what lives in the organization. This ‘digital maturity assessment’ offers you a mirror of the current situation. It’s used to define specific initiatives: rather small, short term projects that illustrate what is possible with new technology and trigger a broader cultural readiness for bigger changes.


The Technology Track

A Cloud First world offers opportunities of optimisation and efficiency. Cloud solutions are not transformational as such, but they are a foundation for future innovation. During this technology track we combine a workshop approach with identification of quick wins that can be implemented on the short term without a major impact on the current IT environment.

Second step

The 45° Foundation

Once both IT and business see opportunities for change, it’s time to lay a foundation.

The combination of a Cloud Center of Excellence and a Well Architected Framework gives the customer their smooth running Enterprise Cloud Engine.  These two work hand in hand.  Existing workloads are assessed using the Well Architected Framework.  The learnings are feed back into the capabilities of a Cloud Center of Excellence.  And are re-used in new projects.

Third step

The 45° Transition

The foundation is laid down, the next step is to work on the transition. On the one hand you must migrate a stack of existing applications. On the other hand, you have to build new applications.

Existing applications

During the assessment phase of existing applications, we have another 3-step approach.

A key requirement for any transition is a solid understanding of the ‘as is’ situation of the infrastructure and applications. Once the inventory of the portfolio is ready, we start with the rationalisation. Who is using which application and why? That gives us an idea on priorities and importance of applications.

For this critical step in the transition, we use a 6R methodology.

We make a design for each application, taking into consideration reference architectures and other input from the cloud foundation phase. Once the design is ready, we start building/migrating the application in an agile way and put Devops into action as it has been defined in the foundation phase.


New applications

For new applications the approach is very similar. Here the Business Governance Team plays a critical role in the foundation phase. They must define which applications generate the most business value.

Need some help or guidance on your transformation journey?

We are happy to listen, and even more to help.

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Part of the Cronos Group

Need some help or guidance on your transformation journey? We are happy to listen, and even more to help.