45° Blog
Why 45 Degrees is more than a blind date
45 Degrees v3
In a previous blog we previewed the third version of our Cloud Center of Excellence as a result of a number of learnings we dealt with during the Summer of 2022. And we can proudly say that the house our club of Architects and Engineers built, stands firmly. Which they prove at clients day in, day out. However, building an organization doesn’t succeed by solely optimizing the business domain. There’s people and perspective as well. In order to release the full potential of our club, we profoundly invest in people and content. The first is already mentioned in our Boost Your Impact Program. The latter, however, remained insufficiently highlighted so far. Whether you call it perspective, marketing, perception, brand identity, image building, … is your choice. What concerns us is how we portray ourselves towards the market. That’s why this blog highlights what we call content.
Or why 45 Degrees is more than a blind date.
Interested in a blind date?
Let’s be honest: not too many people would be tempted by the idea of participating in a blind date. It kind of takes a more or less adventurous entrepreneur to dive into an encounter with someone they haven’t met before. If you don’t know who or what to expect, you usually decline the invitation. However, that’s how referral works: someone convinces you of the fact you might match with someone else. So, for the sake of the rest of the blog, let’s do it: You agree.
And then you sit there.
Allow me to introduce myself
So what do you do? You talk. And if you’re more or less familiar with the social conventions of a conversation, you shake hands and you say: Hi, I’m Forty-Five. You get the specifics out of the way by introducing yourself and what you do. And that’s crucial, because this is the actual ammunition for the rest of the conversation. Oh, you like cycling? I love Mont Ventoux as well. Get out! You work in IT? Me too! …
You get the point. The more breadcrumbs you leave behind, the more people will find their way to you. And when the information you share is something your date can relate to, you’re more likely to forge a connection. Or even better: start a relationship.
Content to connect
However, Rome wasn’t built in one day and probably you won’t decide to start a relationship after the first (blind) date. Although, you do build on that first connection. You feel there’s something there, but you want to deepen the feeling, make sure it isn’t a lucky shot or coincidence. So you want a proof of concept: the content. The necessary evidence your date is no fling, but something to sustain. And the more content you have to offer, the more your connection will be sustainable.
So, what about this content?
Well, safe to say: We have it. Off the shelf, if you like. We’ve done the introduction, the sweaty handshake and the story about who we are and what we do. We worked hard to present ourselves. So the next step is to deepen the connection. Or at least make sure, we’re no longer a blind date, but someone people run into out of interest in what we do. If we step back from the dating scene and move over to our Cloud business again, we’re going to show you what we’ve got. That being: how do our clients experience their work in the Cloud everyday and what do we do everyday to help them fix these issues.
And that’s the next step for 2024.
The takeaway menu
So what do you need to take away from this analogy?
- Blind dates can be scary.
- We’re growing and evolving in every organizational domain.
- Keep an eye on us!
And maybe next year we’ll be writing Why 45 Degrees is more than a one-night stand.

Part of the Cronos Group
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