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From a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) to IT as a Service

During the process of learning a new skill, you typically progress through four stages. Initially, you are unconsciously incompetent, meaning ...
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Why 45 Degrees is more than a blind date

45 Degrees v3 In a previous blog we previewed the third version of our Cloud Center of Excellence as a ...
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Boost Your Impact off-site: fun, summer and profound insights.

Earlier this year, we shared everything about our Boost Your Impact program, an 8-step journey towards better personal knowledge, soft ...
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45 Degrees and the value of Cronos

How our small team can achieve great things 45 Degrees is a club of Cloud Architects and Engineers. That’s for ...
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The honeymoon weeks of Cloud computing are over – part 2

How to start with a Cloud transformation journey that will last a lifetime. In the first part of our blog ...
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The honeymoon weeks of Cloud computing are over – part 1

How to start with a Cloud transformation journey that will last a lifetime. Cloud computing brings about incredible opportunities. The ...
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Boost Your Impact: our 8-step journey for a successful crew.

We have a pretty amazing crew of consultants. They are passionate about their job and are constantly improving their technical ...
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The death of the ‘Spotify Model’

Fairytales don't exist.  Especially not in IT.  With Cloud technology emerging, a new type of operating model started to get ...
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Cloud Centre of Excellence v3 : what did we change in the summer of 2022?

Three years ago we designed the first  45 Degrees version of our ‘Cloud Centre of Excellence’ approach.  We looked at ...
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Is it a Cloud Center of Excellence?

About 3 years ago we started building our own 45 Degrees approach to setting up and running a Cloud Centre ...
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Architects design houses

(But there's a lot more work before they can be built) Imagine yourself as a real estate developer. You just ...
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The importance of Service Management in the Cloud

In achieving digital transformation or higher business value, more and more companies are looking to migrate their businesses into the ...
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What CxO’s can learn from the Tour de France 2021

During the first weekend of the Tour de France 2021 a big debate arose, based on interviews by two of ...
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Building a Modern Services Oriented Organization – Part 3

Companies like Spotify are often referred to as examples of modern IT organizations.  Unfortunately modernizing a large, complex enterprise is ...
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Building a Modern Services Oriented Organization – Part 2

In the first part of this mini blog series we explored why cloud technology is not just another technology shift. ...
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Building a Modern Services Oriented Organization – Part 1

Introducing cloud technology in a large enterprise environment is much more than a technology challenge.  In a series of 3 ...
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Architects design houses

Imagine yourself as a real estate developer. You just bought a large piece of land and eventually want to use ...
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The chicken or the egg in a cloud journey

Cloud journey The major cloud journey service providers have been preaching for years that the way to get started on ...
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What is a Cloud Center of Excellence ?

According to Gartner, every enterprise needs one.  According to conversations with our customers, every enterprise wants one.  But what exactly ...
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Ten reasons for setting up a Cloud Center of Excellence (part 2)

Why would you need a Cloud Center of Excellence?  Let's give 10 good reasons.  Part 2 … Optimised Architecture through ...
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Ten reasons for setting up a Cloud Center of Excellence (part 1)

Why would you need a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE)?  Let's give 10 good reasons.  Part 1 … Increased Business ...
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Who owns your Cloud Center of Excellence?

Adopting cloud technology is like learning to swim.  Nobody can do it without jumping into the water.  The first step ...
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Is an agile project approach the holy grail in crisis times?

Only those who have the agility to change with the market and innovate quickly will survive (Robert Kiyosaki)  The answer ...
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Building applications for the cloud is a totally different ballgame

In traditional application development the focus is on preventing the system from failing.  In technical terms: increasing the Mean Time ...
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When Cloud Adoption becomes too much of a success …

In the ideal world a cloud/transformation journey is a straightforward concept: Step 1: you start to experiment both from a ...
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Why we designed our own approach to a Cloud Center of Excellence

All of the technology is a means to an end. (Jack Holzman) The big cloud providers are not only investing ...
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Why do you need a Cloud Center of Excellence?

"Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is" (Steve Martin) Before starting ...
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Before “Rationalization of Digital Estate” can even start …

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. (Benjamin Franklin) Today the vast majority ...
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Infinite Business and Winter sports

In the middle of a summer heat wave, I had an interesting conversation with a CIO about a shared passion: ...
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Cloud computing is a gorilla game

Cloud computing 101: the biggest advantage of the cloud computing model is "agility".  We can do things that were simply ...
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Proof of Concepts in a Cloud world …

We often get questions like (don't worry if the question sound like Chinese for now) : "I want to setup ...
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From Lockdown to Digital Agility Plan: how to get control back?

"In times of great chaos, people tend to follow a man with a plan" (Jeffrey Fry) What happens if you ...
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From Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) to Digital Agility Plan

In a cloud first world, everything is done in self organising teams. New roles like Scrum Masters, Product Managers or Product Owners ...
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The Concept of Digital Agility

Mid March 2020 the world changed for everybody. Of course, this includes IT managers and CIOs. From one day to the other ...
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